If you thought battling a Lynel in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a walk in the park, think again. These centaur-like creatures are the ultimate test of your gaming abilities, particularly the white and silver breeds that will leave you reeling. With their impressive range of moves, from sweeping slashes to vicious overhead strikes and even ranged attacks with their deadly arrows, you’ll need to be at the top of your game to take them down.
Related: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild – Cold Resistant Recipes & Clothes
All Lynel locations in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Red Lynel

- Health: 2,000
- Level: 30
- Location: Lanayru Great Spring, Hyrule Field.
- Drops: Lynel Guts, Lynel Horn, Lynel Hoof.
White Lynel

- Health: 4,000
- Level: 38
- Location: Hebra Mountains, Hyrule Field
- Drops: Lynel Guts, Lynel Horn, Lynel Hoof.
Silver Lynel
- Health: 6,000
- Level: 42
- Location: replace weaker Lynels later on in the game.
- Drops: Lynel Guts, Lynel Horn, Lynel Hoof, amber, opal, topaz, ruby, sapphire, diamond
Blue Lynel

- Health: 3,000
- Level: 34
- Location: Deep Akkala, Hyrule Field.
- Drops: Lynel Guts, Lynel Horn, Lynel Hoof.
How to beat Lynels in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
First and foremost, get to know Lynel’s powerful attacks, including a lunge, side sweeps, overhead strikes, spinning attacks, and ranged attacks such as fireballs. The most dangerous attack is the powerful lunge, which can launch Link into the air. To avoid it, make sure you dodge at the right time or perform a perfect parry. Running frantically is also a good option, but you will run out of stamina with that tactic.
When dodging fireballs, running perpendicular to Lynel without stopping is the best way to avoid them. If you are too close, run diagonally toward Lynel and attack its back. If a Lynel charges up a fire blast attack, it will first roar and create a sound wave, followed by a shockwave of fire. Running away or blocking with a shield can help avoid this attack, or you can try to stun Lynel by shooting an arrow to its face.
Using a multi-shot bow at close range can significantly increase the chances of hitting Lynel’s face, which will stun it and provide an opportunity to hit it with a flurry of blows. It can also be practical to take advantage of this moment to get on its back and attack it.
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Cande Maldonado
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