How to get diamonds in Subnautica

August 2024 · 2 minute read
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Being a survival game, there are plenty of materials to collect in Subnautica for crafting and research. Some are raw, and others are processed, but it’s always good to know how and where to get them. Diamonds are a raw material that you can either prospect from shale or find strewn on the seabed. You will need them for some advanced crafting later in the game, so it’s a good idea to start collecting them early on. For that reason, here’s how to get diamonds in Subnautica.

Related: All creature egg locations in Subnautica

How and where to get diamonds in Subnautica

Diamonds can be most commonly found in shale outcrops. Otherwise, you can sometimes come across them on the seabed, but that’s a bit more rare. Some biomes are better than others for finding diamonds, but in general, you can find them in:

For best results and to obtain as many diamonds as you can, we recommend that you look in the following biomes:

About the author

Miljan Truc

I have been into gaming since the days of Sega Mega Drive and Amiga. Over the years in gaming, I have raided at a high level, completed rare achievements, coached other players, and written about games since 2016. Whether it’s been clicking heads; developing cities, colonies, and empires; or commanding parties of adventurers; I’ve always prided myself on being able to understand the underlying mechanics of games. Outside of gaming, I enjoy a variety of activities and hobbies, including playing with my pup Astra, working out, as well as crafting, painting, and leatherwork.

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