S04.E02: Brittani's Story - My 600-lb Life

July 2024 ยท 3 minute read

After surgery, Brittani kept saying that she couldn't eat because food tasted disgusting. I was just wondering if she thought all food was disgusting, or just the food that she was limited to eating. It seems like most of Dr Now's patients are told to eat lots of eggs, which makes sense because they are a good source of protein and low carb. I can imagine that eating eggs everyday would be tiresome and  after a while, taste disgusting. I wonder how much of the losing food cravings is psychological rather than physical. My guess it's it's mostly psychological.

I could totally relate to what Brittani was saying.  I agree that food tastes funny in the months after surgery and even nearly a year and a half later, even favorite foods are now just "meh."  Its a big adjustment to make.  Before I had bariatric surgery, eggs used to be my favorite food, and even to this day, I still can't stomach them.  Not only do they taste terrible to me now, but they are incredibly filling (which is why they tell you to eat protein first because once you do, there is no more room!!!).  

Belive it or not, losing the ability to enjoy your food is like morning the loss of your best friend.  I ca only speak for myself and my addiction, but food was something I looked foward to each day--I was either thinking about my next meal or eating.  Also, when you are eating something, for the moment, all is right in the world, you feel no pain and no anxiety.  Take the ability to eat away andits  not only that nothing can replace that euphoric feeling, but you are forced to deal with your feelings and stressors head on.  Its tough and I myself have had more than a few meltdowns.  Her decription of the addiction was spot on, and her being able to admit and articulate it will probably help her overcome it.

On the Skin Tight episode that followed, I was sad to see one of the women who lost so much weight just stood by while her husband fed their children a meal of frozen corn dogs. Really, they ought to know better. Eating that kind of crap is how she got over 400 lbs (I know, I was once over 350 lbs myself). I can't believe she's willing to consign her children to that kind of life too, but apparently she is.

It was the pinup woman who heated up the corndogs and handed them to her "pleasantly plump" children! I'm like whoow whoow, wait a minute, what's she doing with those corn dogs?? Sad!  Also, am I nuts, or did she seem a little too "pleasantly plump" herself to be getting sking surgery?  I thought Dr.. Now was going to tell her to lose another 10 pounds and then he would think about it.  By the way,I know he does these skin surgeries all the time on this show, but since when is he a real plastic surgeon????  I would want a real plastic surgeon to do my surgery, not a jack of all trades surgeon,
