Diablo 2 Resurrected secret cow level: How to enter and important change

July 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Here's a step-by-step guide to entering the secret cow level in Diablo 2 Resurrected using Wirt's Leg in a Horadric Cube recipe, and the important change present from the original game.

Page Updated August 21, 2021, 11:38 | First Published August 20, 2021, 10:13

Moo, moo, moo...moo! Over two decades ago, players first discovered the secret cow level in Diablo 2. Blizzard seemingly added this iconic level to appease fans after denying rumours that there was such a level in the original Diablo. With Diablo 2 Resurrected, a new generation of gamers can finally open an eerie red portal and slay bipedal cattle with polearms, then face the Cow King with vigour. 

In this guide for Diablo 2 Resurrected, we provide all the steps necessary to enter the secret cow level (the Moo Moo Farm), telling you exactly how to find Wirt's Leg, and the Horadric Cube recipe required.

How to enter secret cow level in Diablo 2 Resurrected

To enter the secret cow level in Diablo 2 Resurrected, you will need a couple of items, and follow the steps outlined in this guide.

Firstly, to open the secret cow level, you will have to kill Baal, aka complete the game on normal difficulty.

Follow the steps below and get ready for some bovine slaughter:

If you are unsure where Wirt's Leg can be found, learn how to rescue Deckard Cain and head to Tristram. It's on his corpse because Diablo doesn't pull any punches.

Click transmute and behold, an eerie red portal opens to the secret cow level.

It is important to note that you have to be in the same difficult where you killed Baal, and save the Wirt's Leg item in your stash when you first save Deckard Cain, otherwise, it might get lost.

An important Cow King change for Diablo 2 Resurrected

In the original Diablo 2, once players killed the Cow King, players would not be able to open a new portal again on the difficulty they killed the Cow King on. For example, if you killed it in Nightmare, you would have to repeat the process in Hell to enter the secret cow level again, and once that was over, you would require another player to open the portal for you.

This has changed in Diablo 2 Resurrected, as players will no longer be locked out by killing the Cow King, as confirmed by Community Manager PezRadar on Reddit.

This means players can enjoy the secret cow level over and over again, which, in the original Diablo 2, was one of the best levelling spots.

So there you have it, a way to open a portal to the secret cow level in Diablo 2 Resurrected, and the welcome change made by the developers so players can finally farm this iconic area with relative ease.

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Check out our video below, discussing Diablo Immortal's story and how the game fits into the franchise's timeline.

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Wessel Minnie

Written by Wessel Minnie

Wessel is a former member of Bravado Gaming, a top South African esports organization, and a former editor at GLITCHED.online. He can also be found on HLTV discussing everything CS esports.  When he's not writing or editing, Wessel is clicking heads in Counter-Strike 2, pondering over the best Diablo 4 builds for each class, or venturing into the Lands Between of Elden Ring for the umpteenth time. He loves ARPGs and any SoulsBorne title he can get his mitts on, but feel free to email or drop him a message on social media with any interesting gaming-related topics you think he might enjoy.
