You Are Healed by Mark Crowder

August 2024 · 2 minute read

Verse 1

You are healed
By the stripes upon His back
You are healed
By the promises of God
You’re made healed
You have authority

Verse 2

To be strong by His power
You will be made strong
Through His name that has no equal
You’re strong
This is your time to be

Pre Chorus

Free from every weight
And we say healed in Jesus’ name
Every chain binding your mind
It will be broken cast aside
You are healed you are free


In Jesus’ name
Call on the name of Jesus
In Jesus’ name
The curse is broken

Verse 1

You are healed
By the stripes upon His back
You are healed
By the promises of God
You’re made healed
You have authority

Verse 2

To be strong by His power
You will be made strong
Through His name that has no equal
You’re strong
This is your time to be

Pre Chorus

Free from every weight
And we say healed in Jesus’ name
Every chain binding your mind
It will be broken cast aside
You are healed you are free


In Jesus’ name
Call on the name of Jesus
In Jesus’ name
The curse is broken


Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
You are healed


Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
You are free


Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
You are healed


Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
You are free


Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
You are healed


Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
Virtue is flowing
You are free


In Jesus’ name
Call on the name of Jesus
In Jesus’ name
The curse is broken
