Grindr Users Abound at CPAC 2013

August 2024 · 1 minute read

Grindr, the popular social app for “gay, bi and curious” men, was well represented at opening day of the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference. The app uses GPS to let users see which other users are near by.

HOH’s morning on Grindr started pretty quietly, with just one or two fresh-faced young men in close proximity. Many of the users we saw didn’t seem too worried about their orientation or political affiliation. Several users, in fact, broadcast their conservative credentials in their handles and showed their faces in their pictures.

As the day progressed, the number of nearby users steadily ticked upwards from three profiles just before 11 a.m. to 24 profiles (including two married guys) just after 4 p.m.

“With more than 4 million guys in 192 countries around the world — and approximately 10,000 more new users downloading the app every day — you’ll always find a new date, buddy, or friend on Grindr,” brags the app’s website. “Grindr is quick, convenient, and discreet. And it’s as anonymous as you want it to be.”

Warren Rojas contributed to this blog post.
