Chroma is an interesting Warframe and was, for a long time, considered the ultimate Eidolon hunter. Recent changes to self-damage have somewhat undercut this, but he can still be an interesting Warframe to use. Getting Chroma is also a very long process, as he is locked away behind various story missions.
The process begins at the Europa Junction, where you will unlock the New Strange quest, which can then be launched from the Codex. You will need to play through some missions, and scan the phantom Chroma a lot, to get your hands on his main blueprint.
The next step is to unlock the Uranus Junction to get the Neuroptics blueprint. Now you need to complete the Natah quest in the Codex to open the Neptune Junction to get the Chassis blueprint. Finally, you will need to finish the Second Dream quest in the code to open the Pluto Junction to get the System blueprint.
Once you have all the blueprints, you can build the components using the following resources, and once again, Chroma is quite different from other Warframes in this regard.
- 15000 Credits
- 2 Neurodes
- 900 Salvage
- 50 Plastids
- 1 Frost Chassis
- 15000 Credits
- 200 Plastids
- 2 Neural Sensors
- 350 Polymer Bundle
- Ember Neuroptics
- 15000 Credits
- 400 Oxium
- 2 Argon Crystals
- 1 Neurode
- Saryn Systems
As you can see, for each of his components, you need a similar component from another Warframe, adding further time to the farm. At this point, we would recommend farming for Chroma Prime instead, as his components can be gotten from Void Relics.
If you want to collect every Warframe in the game, including standard and the Prime versions, then it is better just to let Chroma come your way as you play through the game, farming the extra pieces you need for him as you try to get Saryn, Ember, and Frost.
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Aidan O'Brien
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