Thay assaults Rashemen! (Updates from the game...)

August 2024 ยท 1 minute read
I suggest you read Unapproachable East.

What you'll learn about the culture of Rashmen is that nearly all men are capable Barbiarn/Beserkers and are oraganized in Lodges. There is no standing army as you might think of one untill the need arises.

The Lodges are usually commanded by a head Berskerer or sort of King (not an actual king, but i forget who the guy is) who's chosen by the Witches of Rashmen.

The Witches actually run the show, but they dont micro manage the fighting, the Barbarian leader does that. Witches come along to command the general war/fight and cast support and attack spells.

Nearly every man adolesence and up is trained to fight. Thats one HUGE army. Consider the ratio about 50% men, and about 20% of THAT male childen, and you 've got 17600 combattants.

Thats Barbiarians, I'm not even counting the Masked Sisters. They would be in the few hundreds.
