In World of Warcraft Dragonflight, Fishing is one of the many professions you can choose. What’s interesting about this profession is that there are no specializations, which means you don’t have to worry about getting Knowledge Points.
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Instead, there are two features you gain from Fishing: you can develop new skills and abilities from the Iskaara Tuskarr, which gives you quests and tools to create, and the secondary profession stat, Perception, can be found on fishing poles, which can help increase the chances for rare gathers.
As you increase your Fishing level, there will come a time when you need to find Sea-Polished Basalt, an Iskaaran Fishing Gear Material. So how do you unlock and find Sea-Polished Basalt in WoW Dragonflight?
How to unlock and find Sea-Polished Basalt in Dragonflight, explained
To find Sea-Polished Basalt in Dragonflight, you need to unlock Renown 15 with Iskaara Tuskarr, as this will allow you to access the Lava Pools in lava lakes. Sea-Polished Basalt is an essential material for Fishing as it’s used to craft the Polished Basalt Bracelet, which allows you to spot rare fish in molten lava.
If you haven’t unlocked Renown 15 with Iskaara Tuskarr, or if you’re unsure where to start, here’s an Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Guide that can help you.
Once you’ve unlocked Renown 15, you can find Sea-Polished Basalt where lava meets the sea, like the Wild Coast of The Waking Shores. One of the best locations to find this material is next to the fishing trainer Danielle Anglers, who can be found North of the Wingrest Embassy.
That’s everything you need to know about how to unlock and find Sea-Polished Basalt in WoW Dragonflight.