NFL bans controversial hip-drop tackle for 2024 season, makes change to challenge rule

July 2024 ยท 4 minute read
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LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. -- The NFL adopted three new playing rules that will be in effect for the 2024 season. Here are the three approved by the league at the Annual League Meeting on Monday. 

Hip-drop tackle

It is a foul if a player uses the following technique to bring a runner to the ground:

The penalty will be considered unnecessary roughness, which will be 15 yards and an automatic first down. 

Getting a third challenge

A team will be permitted a third challenge if it is successful on at least one or both of its challenges. If a team wins both challenges, a fourth challenge will not be permitted. 

The maximum amount of challenges a team can have is three in a game.

Double foul (with change of possession)

If the team last in possession does not have "clean hands" when it establishes possession, the penalties offset, and the down is replayed at the previous spot. "Clean hands" meaning no infringements. 

If both teams foul after the last change of possession (double foul after change of possession), or the offense commits an unnecessary roughness or an unsportsmanlike conduct foul before the change of possession, the penalties are offset, and the team last in possession shall retain the ball at the spot where its foul would be enforced if it was the only foul. 


Here are the rules that weren't approved by the NFL -- or put to table for a later vote or at the next league meeting in May.
