Bonus Stars are one of the biggest defining features of the Mario Party series. A player can believe they have the win in the bag only for the Bonus Stars to push someone else in front at the last moment. As with other games in the series, Mario Party Superstars has some Bonus Stars at the end of each match if you choose to turn them on. Each game will end with multiple of these random criteria that no one will know about until the winners are announced. Here are all of the Bonus Stars in Mario Party Superstars.
- Bowser Space Bonus – Awarded to who landed on the Bowser Space the most times
- Eventful Bonus – Awarded to who landed on the most Event Spaces in the game
- Item Bonus – Whoever used the most items in the game
- Minigame Bonus – Awarded to who got first place the most in minigames
- Rich Bonus – Awarded to who collected the most total coins in the game
- Shopping Bonus – Awarded to who bought the most items from the item shop (we do not believe that Item Spaces count towards this)
- Sightseer Bonus – Awarded to whoever traveled the most spaces in the game
- Slowpoke Bonus – Awarded to whoever traveled the least amount of spaces in the game
- Unlucky Bonus – Awarded to who landed on the most Red Spaces in the game
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John Hansen
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