Where to find Orthworm in Pokmon Scarlet and Violet

September 2024 · 2 minute read
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Orthworm is one of the many new Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It is a goofy-looking earthworm Pokémon, with a series of extendable blue legs on the sides of its body. Its regular ability, Earth Eater, completely negates Orthworm’s weakness to Ground-type moves and instead heals it when it is hit with one. Here is how you can find an Orthworm of your own in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

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How to catch Orthworm in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Orthworm can be found in the desert and mine biomes, at all times of the day, and in 5 and 6-star Tera Raids. Its overworld spawning grounds are the Asado Desert and East Province (Area Three), and players will be able to encounter it at all times of the day. It is a fairly common spawn, and players will often see its head sticking out of the ground, though it does occasionally spawn above ground. Be warned, Orthworms buried in the ground are extremely sensitive to sound. Players will have to sneak up behind one and then throw a Pokéball at it by pressing ZR in order to battle it. Otherwise, it will simply tunnel away to another location, leading you on a wild goose chase around the area.

As a pure Steel type, Orthworm is weak to Fire and Fighting-type moves. It also takes reduced damage from Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, and Fairy-type moves, while Poison-type moves do no damage. Though if it has its Hidden Ability, Sand Veil, instead of its regular ability Earth Eater, it will also be susceptible to Ground-type moves. It is also naturally bulky, with a whopping 145 base Defense. That said, its base Sp. Defense sits at a measly 55, so capitalize on that to get it to orange or red health before trying your luck with your Pokéball of choice.

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Glenn Lai

Hey, I'm Glenn and I'm a freelance writer at Gamepur. Besides writing, my passions also include a certain critically acclaimed MMORPG by a certain company with a free trial up to level 60.

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