Ephraim Utah Temple | Church News Almanac

August 2024 · 2 minute read

Groundbreaking of the Ephraim Utah Temple

The groundbreaking of the Ephraim Utah Temple was presided over by President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on Aug. 27, 2022. President Nelson had ties to the Utah site because his mother was born in Ephraim, his father was born in Manti, three of four grandparents were born in Ephraim, and all eight of his great-grandparents lived in Ephraim.

In his dedicatory prayer on the site, President Nelson said, “We are deeply grateful for our ancestors. They have laid a foundation of faith that undergirds our spiritual strength. May we learn who they are, find their qualifying information, and bless their lives with sacred rites offered vicariously in this holy house.”

Timeline of the Ephraim Utah Temple








The Ephraim temple was announced May 1, 2021, by Church President Russell M. Nelson. The groundbreaking and site dedication for this house of the Lord were held on Aug. 27, 2022, and presided over President Nelson.

Architecture and Design of the Ephraim Utah Temple

According to exterior renderings, the Ephraim Utah Temple will be a three-story building of approximately 39,000 square feet. Around the building are large, arched windows, with arches adorning the entryway around the entrance as well.

Atop the structure and toward the front is a multilevel octagonal tower with four arched windows on the base, eight arched windows on the tower, and a domed cupola on top. The temple will be built on a 9.16-acre site, with flower gardens and tall trees decorating the grounds.

Groundbreaking Photos of the Ephraim Utah Temple
