The Elective Africa Pre-Medical Shadowing Internship is ideal for undergraduate students or those who have just finished their pre-med training. This gives you an opportunity to gain medical shadowing experience in preparation for application to medical school. At the same time, gain exposure to a healthcare system that is different from the one in your home country. Learn how the scarcity of resources, culture, and environment affect healthcare delivery.
The program involves shadowing doctors for a minimum of 25 hours a week, enabling you to gain insight and get to know the day-to-day responsibilities of doctors and healthcare professionals.
Besides shadowing, volunteer with us and provide health education to local communities and schools. Plus, get the chance to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Qualifications for this program:
* Interns must be pre-med or medical students.
* Volunteers must be medical professionals.
* This program is tailor-made for students who are planning to join medical school or college.
Program Highlights
Gain a new perspective in the delivery of healthcare services by interning at a hospital in Kenya or Tanzania.
Develop talking points for medical school admission interviews and enrich your personal statement with the clinical exposure gained.
Gain knowledge and skills under the supervision of local healthcare providers, thus expanding your view in global health and epidemiology.
Guarantee that the guidelines of shadowing abroad are followed and your interests are met.
Gain cultural exposure through interaction with different people in the rural and urban community for a productive and life-changing experience in Kenya or Tanzania.
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