Dr. Vinay Bajrangi revealed many points answering our questions as to how can an astrologer help in business success of a person.
Setting up a business is not a cup of Joe. Even if one is able to set up a business out of passion or following others or maybe due to what ancestors were doing but maintaining the business success is key for any successful businessman.
Apart more often than not, it is seen that many talented MBA graduates from prestigious management institutes make up their minds to set up a business instead of doing corporate jobs. But a few of them can succeed in their ventures. Now, the question that arises is: what is responsible for the debacle of such a business? All the educated young men had equal enthusiasm in their hearts to become billionaires, but they all did not prove successful.
There were many questions like this so DNA News spoke to Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, one of the best astrologers in India, who said apart from person’s skills, interest and resources; one has to also see what do the planets/stars say about your business success? He revealed many points answering our questions as to how can an astrologer help in business success of a person. He further said that apart from the investment of your money and time and unflinching efforts, it requires a proper alignment of planets in your natal chart that make you successful business person. Here are the excerpts on what he had to say about your stars in horoscope for success in business.
Q: Can astrology suggest best business for a person?
DVB: First of all, I would like to say that your horoscope is the best means to predict whether you are fit for business or not. ‘Business Astrology’ is the specific branch of astrology that sheds light on it. Second, every type of business does not suit everyone. By peeping into a natal chart, an able but qualified astrologer can tell a person what business to choose. The charts that an astrologer will need to predict the suitable business prospects for the native include Hora (D-2), Dashmansha (D-10), and the Shashtiamsha (D-60). In addition, the specific business houses that help an astrologer predict whether the native will find success in the business are 10th, 7th, 6th, 2nd, and 12th houses.
Q: Who can be the best business astrologer?
DVB: Well, taking a particular name of any astrologer will make me nepotic. But I would also let you deviate from getting influenced from what many find as the best astrologer in India/Delhi or USA etc. Best business astrologer need not be caged into any geographical boundaries. Best astrologer for business will be the best everywhere provided you know how to judge a good astrologer. For business related matters, astrologer needs to see 10th house, Lord of 10th house, planets in 10th house, 10th house Lord Navamsha, 11th house whether person will gain or lose in business and the planet controlling Mind, the Moon. Each planet supports different business. But you see many businesses may not be viable all the times like many businesses gone drained out during recent noble Corona though the planets & all other above combinations would have been favourable.
However, many new businesses have mushroomed also & reached the new scales. Therefore a good business astrologer is the one who can apart from reading personal chart of a person, understands potential of any business in the changing times. The person must have some essential qualifications, experience and knowledge of current business trends. Also any good astrologer must have some presence in social media and good references from the public. Needless to say that this business astrologer should be competent enough to figure out the strength of the Laxmi Yoga in one’s horoscope.
Q: What are the combinations for business in person's horoscope?
DVB - You see as the basic astrology for business, the Main house for business is 10th house as explained above. Then one has to see 3rd house, relation between 3rd house or its Lord with 10th house or 10th house Lord and then 9th house and its Lord. If 6th house is stronger than ascendant, it shows good indications for person to do business than a job. How many supportive planets are in 7th house, then Navamsha. Also if ascendant Lord is in 9th house, it supports person to do business. Anyone with a little astrological experience can spot them. But what matters most is when they will fructify. Here comes the importance of planetary transits in astrology.
An astrologer can be a good business astrologer who knows how to read intrinsic relationship of all these planetary combinations & correlate them with the changing transits of planets. No Zodiac sign , no planets or no specific combination give success in business for ever unless one understands the impact of transits & changing dynamics of business. Yoga for wealth & money may be there but essential to know is in which business, at what time & with whom this business yoga or combinations will fructify & person who can do it can be the best astrologer to consult for business.
Q: Can astrologer suggest lucky business name also?
DVB: A lucky business name plays a vital role in the successful execution of the native’s business. The first letter of his/her business name brings the strength that a business needs to propel. Let me divulge the secret—repetition of one’s business name activates the right Nakshatra to guide one’s business. So, choosing a business name is not a trivial thing. It is suggested that one consults an experienced business astrologer or a numerologist to get an appropriate business name. The repetition of one’s business name paves the way for the right Nakshatra that brings success, prosperity, and stabilization in one’s business dealings. On the contrary, if a business name is selected randomly, one’s business can be adversely affected.
Q: Can astrologer suggest preferable business /new business idea?
DVB: During my two decades’ professional career, I have seen many people heading for bad business ideas and washing their hands of everything they had possessed. Preferable business may not be good at all times and same way new business ideas may not suit all equally. Some may flourish in one business but may fail in many others. You see a “very reputed business house” has gone down in a particular commodity & brand which was established a few decades ago (fabric to give a hint) but has outperformed almost all others globally in some other businesses including many new start-ups. It is not all your business activities should be based only on horoscope or what the astrologers or planets say about your success in business. But while deciding on the preferable or new business ideas, it is better to spend some time with a good business astrologer to understand if that business is “also” supported by the stars in your horoscope.
An experienced astrologer will tell the person to do the most appropriate business in terms of type, time; with whom & for how long the business will be preferable business. There are a total of twelve houses in the native’s horoscope, and four of them influence business yoga for business success so astrologer must have good experience to read intrinsic value of all these houses.
Q: How does business astrologers suggest on new start ups?
DVB: A business astrologer if can tell you time, type, with whom to do business and prospects of business duration, then can tell you about new start ups also. Here one very important thing to know is that each business cannot suit all equally, many may fail but others may flourish in the same business. Take the example of a very reputed business house ( Mallya Group) which practically lost heavily in Airlines business but at the same time two other private entities have gain paramount heights in the same business. All these three started same business as new start up then why only two flourished and one gone down extremely below the carpets. Rather have lost everything earned till then in their life.
I am sure if you get vetting of any new start up thoroughly from an able astrologer, one can face some ups and downs but at least save the disasters. It is just the ploy of planetary movement in the horoscope that delineates one’s business prospects. Whether the native is going for a new business or thinking to expand an older one, an able astrologer will have no problem in finding out exact prospects for the native by reading his/her charts. An able astrologer should analyse various aspects—the D-12 and D-60 (Dwadasmansha and Shastiamsha)—of the native’s horoscope before giving him/her a solution or advice.
Q: Can astrology tell about success in real estate business?
DVB: Yes, why not! Some special combinations in the native’s horoscope shed light on yoga's success in the real estate business. Mars, the red planet, is solely responsible for the business. If the planet influences the 10th houses and its Lord positively, then it can be said that the native has yoga for a real estate business. The combination has to be further explored in Dashmansha (D-10) chart and then further into the Shashtiamsha (D-60) chart. If these two charts have the same combinations of yogas, it can be inferred that a person has yoga for the real estate business. But before examining this, the native must have a primary business and wealth yoga. The chronological order is first to see a business yoga, see whether Mars is influencing this yoga, and finally, whether this yoga is present in D-10 and D-60 charts. Here one thing very important is to see the strength of ascendant & its Lord. Intention of the person in success in real estate business matters the most. You see many top reached real estate business people are in deep trouble while many small time real estate business people are progressing gradually. Here extreme negative effect of Rahu also can lead to real estate business crumbling in the long run putting person into troubles.
Q: Are there specific combinations for success in stock market?
DVB: The planets that are responsible for success in the stock market are Mercury and Jupiter. If there is a good combination of these two planets in a horoscope, then he/she has a strong potential to succeed in the stock market. Apart from this, the fifth and eighth houses should be strong enough to support success in stock market. These houses are associated with gambling or instantaneous gains. The eighth house assesses the potential the native has to gain without working. If he/she has to succeed in the share market, then the eighth and the fifth houses should be strong in his/her birth chart. Simultaneously, the native should also check that the 12th house or the house of loss is not activated. If he/she has activated the 12th house, then he/she will lose his/her wealth even or despite the fact that they have a good combination available in the fifth and the eighth houses.
These were the excerpts of the interview we had with Dr. Bajrangi, one of the best astrologers in India. He has released another very insightful article on who is the best astrologer in India where he says use your own cheat sheet to judge who “can be” a good astrologer rather than getting influenced what many says is the best astrologer in India/USA/near you and like that. One can read more about his methodology on astrology for business success. And to read more about him, connect with his website www.vinaybajrangi.com or connect with his office on +919278665588/ and 9278555588.
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