Check out this action-packed Aries' Astrology birth chart
Robert Downey, Jr. is an established actor whose respect as a performer was hard-earned. Three key planets in fiery Aries have granted him an exciting approach to the craft of acting, but nearly derailed his career with impulsive tendencies and struggles with addiction. Luckily for both him and theater-goers worldwide, input from work-focused Virgo and grounded Taurus have allowed Robert to regain the trust of Hollywood and return to the screen stronger than ever. Hello, Iron Man!
Born April 4, 1965 in New York City, New York (birth time unknown), Aries Robert Downey Jr. has been both blessed and cursed by the Warrior sign's strong presence in his chart. Mercury, his planet of self-expression, has been strengthened by its position in masculine, always-on-the-move Aries -- that's why Robert has a reputation for his quick wit and a charming but strong sexual appeal. With Mercury also overseeing the mental realm, quick thinking has been an asset to Robert (as it is to any up-and-comer in Hollywood), as is his fresh and fearless approach to roles. Consider his risky decision to play a white actor portraying an African American character in Tropic Thunder, a move that pushed some hot-button issues in race relations. As this proves, Mercury in Aries all but craves controversy!
But long before that, Robert derailed a promising career that had started in the 1980s "Brat Pack" flicks and progressed later to serious roles in Oscar-nominated films. His distraction? Drug addiction and dangerous, thrill-seeking behavior that often landed him in jail. This is the downside of having Saturn in Pisces, as Robert does: the planet that points out your limitations is focused on the ethereal, dreamy sign of escapism; Saturn in Pisces promotes a vicious cycle of self-sabotage, because it can bring out intense anxiety and guilt that is hard to get away from, which leads to Pisces' dark side -- a tendency toward addiction.
One of the reasons Robert has overcome obstacles that have destroyed so many others could be that his "approach to life" planet, Mars, is firmly set in the practical sign of Virgo. Robert is truly fortunate that Hollywood never fully gave up on him, despite his destructive behavior, but he was able to rise again by giving 110 percent to every project he took on. And because Virgo is a modest sign, Robert has been humble in accepting the second (even third or fourth!) chances he's been given in his career and life.
With his talent-expanding Jupiter in the steady Earth sign of Taurus, Robert was able to regain his footing in his TV, film and music careers. Ultimately, Robert's chart shows that he cherishes the security and satisfaction of regular work. When he hit rock-bottom in his personal life, Robert was able to apply his bullish common sense to climbing out of the gutter. Once on solid ground, anyone with their Jupiter in Taurus tends to be grateful and gracious for the opportunities offered to them -- and to those who helped put the pieces back together. As his candid interviews demonstrate, Robert has nothing but humility for his re-invigorated career.