*snip * awesome post
I wish I had posted this last week, so I could prepare all this awesomeness. As it was, we had the fight yesterday, and it was... interesting.
The party is talking with Vizeran on the top floor of the tower, when Graz'zt (in the shape of a male drow) floats up from the hole in the center of the floor, together with a female drow (marilith in disguise).
The rogue immediately notices that the male has six fingers on ech hand, and the wizard begin an expert demonologist informs the party that Graz'zt is in the house. Graz'zt (and the marilith) assume their true forms, and he tells the party to get out of his way while he kills Vizeran because reasons.
Vizeran escapes, throwing himslef from a window. The fighter starts talking crap at Graz'zt, and Graz'zt promises to kill him first. Initiative is rolled. Graz'zt and the Marilith go first!
Graz'zt goes Imp. Invisibility, and the Marilith charges at the cleric. From there, it was a massacre. The Marilith first restrained the cleric with her tail, then made 6 attacks with advantage.
Even though being invisible "only" gives them disadvantage to attack Graz'zt, they decide to focus on the Marilith to save the cleric. A few unfortunate rolls, and a counterspell from Graz'zt seal the fate of the Cleric.
In the next round, his body gets thrown down the shaft six floors down, unconscious. Rogue is missing like there's in no tomorrow, Wizard keeps getting counterspelled, and fighter can only stand two rounds of concentrated attacks from Marilith and Graz'zt. When both the Rogue and the wizard leave the room to find cover, Graz'zt only has an unconscious Fighter in front of him, and he kills him dead (as promised).
TPK is looming, when the rogue givs the Cleric a potion, and he uses Divine Intervention, rolling a 17. I rule that it is fine (they're level 16), and the goddess Sune comes to the rescue. I asked the players if they wish Sune to help them defensively or offensively, and they choose defense. Sune resurrects the fighter, and heals everyone else 50 hp.
Then the party decides to RUN. As they leave the Tower, they hear Vizeran's screams echoing in the cave...